Looking for Demolition works in Череповце?
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Demolition works in Череповце
Слом стен,вывоз мусора
Garbage collection, Urban trucking, Demolition works, Loaders, Long distance trucking
phone: +7-921-253-12-
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АртМеталл, ООО
Utility and metal waste reception, Demolition works, Ferrous rolled metal product
phone: +7-921-130-78-
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Авторегионстрой35, ООО
Excavation, Urban trucking, Demolition works, Special machines services, Ordering special, construction machines
phone: +7-921-252-51-
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ЧерМетИндустрия ООО, ООО
Utility and metal waste reception, Demolition works, Nonferrous rolled steel, Ferrous rolled metal product
phone: +7 (8202) 63-08-
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Содружество, ООО
Construction works, Demolition works, Installation works, Concrete and solution
phone: +7 (8202) 60-24-
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Эконом Дом
Demolition works, Interior finishing and repair, Roofing works, Sanitary engineering work, Electrical installation work
phone: +7 (8202) 62-12-
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МИК Сервис
Demolition works, Installation works, Electrical installation work
phone: +7-921-145-73-
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2378004599, 1561979803, 1931212977, 1492248862, 805223858, 959828351, 2345599149, 2265100598