Looking for Sewing accessories in Череповце?
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Sewing accessories in Череповце
Гармония, ателье
Tailoring establishment, Clothing repair, Fabric, Sewing accessories
phone: +7-921-137-06-
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Фея тканей, магазин, ИП Лебедева О.В.
Fabric, Curtain fabric, Curtains, Sewing accessories
phone: +7 (8202) 24-10-
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Мир рукоделия
Souvenirs and gifts, Party decoration service, Stationery, Sewing accessories, Handicraft, Toys
phone: +7-921-131-67-
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Магазин канцтоваров, ИП Лукашевич А.Н.
Photocopy paper, Stationery
phone: +7 (8202) 20-56-
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Арго, магазин для рукоделия вышивки и творчества
Sewing accessories, Handicraft
phone: +7-900-557-99-
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ТриНити, ремонт и пошив одежды
Tailoring establishment, Sewing accessories
phone: +7-953-503-37-
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Альта-Мода, ИП Ганичева Ю.В.
Fabric, Sewing accessories
phone: +7 (8202) 57-48-
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Классик, ТЦ
Sanitary ware, Ladies' clothes, Bathroom furniture, glasswork and mirrors, Sewing accessories
phone: +7 (8202) 55-68-
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Мастерская по установке швейной металлофурнитуры, ИП Снеткова С.Р.
Sewing accessories
phone: +7-921-835-36-
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Долина Штор, салон-магазин
Window blinds, Fabric, Cornices, Curtain fabric, Curtains, Sewing accessories
phone: +7-921-547-24-
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224087733, 801220085, 223171314, 1848384845, 223214135, 224302528, 1197416541, 1117593574, 224204399, 2106146167, 1305920786, 223208166, 918204203, 369665743