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Computer courses in Череповце
Учебно-курсовой комбинат, ООО
Commercial business courses, Supplementary education, Computer courses, Technical courses, Cooking classes, Accounting traineeship, Hairdressing, beautician and manucuring courses
phone: +7 (8202) 25-16-
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Профессиональная Академия
Design courses, Supplementary education, Computer courses, Accounting traineeship, Hairdressing, beautician and manucuring courses
phone: +7 (8202) 61-19-
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Престиж, учебный центр, ЧУ ДПО
Supplementary education, Computer courses, Technical courses, Accounting traineeship
phone: +7 (8202) 53-48-
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Академия бизнеса и информационных технологий, ЧУ ДПО
Design courses, Commercial business courses, Supplementary education, Computer courses, Accounting traineeship
phone: +7-911-505-47-
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223166153, 224083930, 224195398, 224083814, 1716547119