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Schools of advanced studies in Череповце
Череповецкий торгово - экономический колледж, ЧПОУ
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Technical schools, Commercial business courses, Colleges, Supplementary education, Schools of advanced studies, Computer courses, Colleges, Vocational schools, Accounting traineeship, Hairdressing, beautician and manucuring courses
phone: +7 (8202) 24-11-
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Экоконсалт, учебный центр, НЧОУ ДПО
Business-training seminars, Labour protection, Supplementary education, Schools of advanced studies
phone: +7 (8202) 24-39-
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Вологодский институт развития образования, Центр непрерывного повышения профессионального мастерства педагогических работников в городе Череповце АОУ ВО ДПО "ВИРО"
Supplementary education, Schools of advanced studies
phone: +7 (8202) 57-05-
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Череповецкий многопрофильный колледж, БПОУ ВО
Technical schools, Colleges, Supplementary education, Schools of advanced studies, Colleges
phone: +7 (8202) 24-24-
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АНО ДПО Институт подготовки и переквалификации кадров
Ship handling courses, Labour protection, Student research and typing services, Supplementary education, Schools of advanced studies
phone: +7-800-550-39-
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Учебный центр Фаворит
Labour protection, Supplementary education, Schools of advanced studies, Technical courses
phone: +7 (8202) 59-66-
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Сова, учебный центр, ООО
Business-training seminars, Supplementary education, Schools of advanced studies, Text books, Stationery
phone: +7 (8202) 55-71-
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Северо-западная компания, ООО
Commercial business courses, Maritime professions education, Schools of advanced studies, Technical courses, Hairdressing, beautician and manucuring courses
phone: +7-921-252-47-
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ИнтерГлосса, языковая школа, ЧОУ ДО
Supplementary education, Schools of advanced studies, School preparation, Foreign languages school, Foreign language courses
phone: +7 (8202) 55-13-
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Оксфорд, ООО
Supplementary education, Schools of advanced studies
phone: +7 (8202) 49-02-
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Вологодский региональный аттестационный центр филиал в г. Череповец, АНО
Schools of advanced studies
phone: +7 (8202) 55-94-
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Торнадо, группа компаний
security services, installation of security and fire system, Supplementary education, Schools of advanced studies, alarms and warning systems
phone: +7 (8202) 67-63-
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Лингва-сфера, языковая студия, ЧОУ ДО
Supplementary education, Translation from foreign languages, Schools of advanced studies, Foreign languages school, Foreign language courses
phone: +7 (8202) 54-38-
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Череповецкий межрайонный учебный центр, МАОУ ДПО
Driving schools, Supplementary education, Schools of advanced studies, Technical courses
phone: +7 (8202) 29-80-
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КосмоВита БК, ООО
Commercial business courses, Schools of advanced studies, Business processes automation, Software products trading
phone: +7 (8202) 52-41-
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1597023325, 434779248, 223159161, 223190373, 224281238, 1582631059, 1366680582, 2238547675, 590606277, 2161300055, 374414773, 223183053, 224082471, 223205321, 435916850