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Schools for future mothers in Череповце
МПЦ Материнство, ООО
Schools for future mothers, psychologist services
phone: +7 (8202) 62-03-
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ХЭППИ, центр семейного развития
Schools for future mothers, Early development centers, nursery education, logopedist services, fitness-clubs, Yoga centers
phone: +7 (8202) 74-10-
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Источник, центр психологического развития, ООО
Schools for future mothers, logopedist services, psychologist services, Art and leisure centers
phone: +7 (8202) 62-20-
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Детская деревня-SOS Вологда, НОЧУ
Social services, Schools for future mothers, Non-governmental organizations
phone: +7-911-546-04-
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Мой СЁМА, детский развивающий центр
Schools for future mothers, Event arrangements, Early development centers, nursery education, logopedist services, psychologist services
phone: +7-951-748-57-
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1695358049, 1897844449, 224081658, 224088802, 628186442