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Theatre, concerto event arrangements in Череповце
Сектор по работе с детьми и молодежью
child, teen clubs, Non-governmental organizations, Theatre, concerto event arrangements, Entertainment, free time, Cultural and leisure centers for adults
phone: +7 (8202) 51-15-
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Art schools, Supplementary education, Theatre, concerto event arrangements, Music schools
phone: +7 (8202) 62-21-
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Череповецъ, Ансамбль народной музыки, песни и танца
Dancing ensembles, Theatre, concerto event arrangements, Artistic groups
phone: +7 (8202) 50-67-
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MOTOR TV, Череповецкий Молодежный Канал
Theatre, concerto event arrangements, Event arrangements, Photo, video filming
phone: +7-921-050-45-
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Люди Серьёзные, агентство праздника
Theatre, concerto event arrangements, Event arrangements
phone: +7 (8202) 62-52-
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2382422076, 746974768, 223336765, 439942044, 463962576