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Diseases prevention and health care in Череповце
Спортивный клуб инвалидов города Череповца, Череповецкая городская общественная организация
Non-governmental organizations, Diseases prevention and health care, Sport clubs
phone: +7-921-233-86-
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Кадуйская районная общественная организация ветеранов энергетики
Non-governmental organizations, Diseases prevention and health care, Artistic groups
phone: +7-911-506-47-
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Школа безопасности, детское движение
Non-governmental organizations, Information safety, Diseases prevention and health care, Art and leisure centers
phone: +7 (8202) 5-81-
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РОССИЙСКИЙ КРАСНЫЙ КРЕСТ, Череповецкое городское отделение Общероссийской общественной организации
Charity funds, Diseases prevention and health care
phone: +7 (8202) 57-33-
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Я- Волонтер, общественное объединение
Non-governmental organizations, Information safety, Diseases prevention and health care, Artistic groups
phone: +7 (8202) 3-23-
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Ландыши, Вологодская региональная общественная организация помощи больным муковисцидозом
Non-governmental organizations, Diseases prevention and health care
phone: +7-921-124-54-
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Лидер, Детская общественная организация, РДОО РИТМ
Non-governmental organizations, Diseases prevention and health care, Artistic groups, Art and leisure centers
phone: +7-817-582-18-
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Единство, молодежное общественное объединение
Non-governmental organizations, Diseases prevention and health care, Recovery centers
phone: +7 (8202) 2-24-
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Новые лица, волонтерский отряд
Provision of territories, Support for the Great Patriotic War veterans, Non-governmental organizations, Diseases prevention and health care
phone: +7 (8202) 2-18-
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Дорога к дому, благотворительный фонд
Support for families in difficult life situations, Social services, Diseases prevention and health care, psychologist services, Prevention of child abandonment
phone: +7 (8202) 28-85-
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1349427035, 1290466168, 1291873758, 702587960, 1291886302, 1349368265, 1287757033, 1285478245, 1285469891, 224087408