Looking for монтажные работы in Череповце?
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монтажные работы in Череповце
ЩитЭлектро, ООО
Installation works, Production automation, Electrotechnical goods
phone: +7-921-717-49-
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Энергостройсервис, ООО
Construction works, Installation works, Building equipment and machinery
phone: +7 (8202) 24-48-
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Череповец Торгхолод, ООО
вам необходимо оборудование для магазинов череповца и вологды? мы предлагаем торговые стеллажи для магазинов, тепловое оборудование, холодильное оборудование. монтаж и обслуживание
phone: +7 (8202) 62-12-
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Мастер Окна, ИП Еличев С.А.
Window blinds, Roller blinds, Window repair, Balconies, loggias glazing, Installation works, Windows
phone: +7 (8202) 63-85-
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Техник Систем Сервис, ООО
Installation works, alarms and warning systems, Heat Ventilation equipment
phone: +7 (8202) 20-03-
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Аккорд, ООО
Paving flags, Installation works, Interior finishing and repair, Pre-fabricated construction services, Ordering special, construction machines, Breakstone, sand
phone: +7-921-050-86-
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ЧерметЭкология строительно-монтажная компания АО
Metal constructions for buildings and facilities, Construction works, Installation works, Industrial development
phone: +7 (8202) 55-04-
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ИП Воеводина С.Б.
Facade works, Installation works, Room cleaning service, Special machines services, Ordering special, construction machines
phone: +7 (8202) 64-64-
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Construction works, installation of security and fire system, Installation works, alarms and warning systems
phone: +7 (8202) 55-78-
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Ника, строительная компания
Construction works, Installation works, Installation of heating and water supply systems, Sanitary engineering work
phone: +7 (8202) 74-27-
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Таврида Электрик СПб
Installation works, Electric power
phone: +7 (8202) 54-55-
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Череповецстальконструкция-1, АО
Metal constructions for buildings and facilities, Construction works, Installation works, Construction of buildings/structures
phone: +7 (8202) 59-66-
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Картель, ООО
Installation works, Industrial development, Construction of buildings/structures
phone: +7 (8202) 59-60-
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Прокатмонтаж-5, фирма, ООО
Construction works, Installation works
phone: +7 (8202) 56-50-
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Шексна-Мастер, ООО
Metal constructions for buildings and facilities, Installation works, Planning, design, Construction of buildings/structures, Video viewing
phone: +7 (8202) 50-63-
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Содружество, ООО
Construction works, Demolition works, Installation works, Concrete and solution
phone: +7 (8202) 60-24-
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МИК Сервис
Demolition works, Installation works, Electrical installation work
phone: +7-921-145-73-
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Геркон, ООО
Adjusting and startup procedures, Installation works, elevator attendance and procurement service
phone: +7 (8202) 28-84-
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224203014, 224077484, 224076986, 222947271, 222944405, 994207409, 224190134, 224208278, 224204731, 1668615999, 1376632684, 224297729, 224208286, 223963238, 222952037, 805223858, 224300059, 2265100598, 224082768
монтажные работы