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Maintenance of septic tanks in Череповце
Слон, откачка септиков, промывка труб, обслуживание систем водоотведения, доставка технической воды
Liquid waste removal, Maintenance of septic tanks, Pumping equipment, Sewage services
phone: +7 (8202) 61-08-
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БИОСАН, компания
Liquid waste removal, Maintenance of septic tanks, Sewage services, Sales, renting of composting toilets
phone: +7 (8202) 62-56-
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РемСтройГрупп ООО
Liquid waste removal, Maintenance of septic tanks, Sewage services, Maintenance of biotoilets, Sales, renting of composting toilets
phone: +7 (8202) 73-63-
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ИП Чучнев ДА
Installation of a septic tank, Maintenance of septic tanks
phone: +7-900-532-26-
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Installation of a septic tank, Maintenance of septic tanks, Water cleaning equipment, Drilling operation
phone: +7 61-00-
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Череповецкий Завод Композитных Материалов
Installation of a septic tank, Maintenance of septic tanks, Production of fiberglass products, Building materials, Metal products
phone: +7-921-052-26-
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Откачка Септиков
Liquid waste removal, Maintenance of septic tanks
phone: +7 (8202) 61-54-
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2345143189, 808873256, 2345219282, 2740863183, 2182169283, 1932457456, 2596321310