Looking for коммерческий техникум in Череповце?
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коммерческий техникум in Череповце
Череповецкий торгово - экономический колледж, ЧПОУ
Technical schools, Commercial business courses, Colleges, Supplementary education, Schools of advanced studies, Computer courses, Colleges, Vocational schools, Accounting traineeship, Hairdressing, beautician and manucuring courses
phone: +7 (8202) 24-11-
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Устюженский политехнический техникум, АПОУ ВО
Technical schools, Supplementary education
phone: +7 (8202) 2-25-
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Череповецкий технологический колледж, БПОУ ВО
Technical schools
phone: +7 (8202) 55-61-
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Череповецкий лесомеханический техникум им. В. П. Чкалова, БПОУ ВО
Technical schools, hostel, Supplementary education
phone: +7 (8202) 51-80-
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Вытегорский политехнический техникум, БПОУ ВО
Technical schools
phone: +7 (8202) 2-27-
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Череповецкий многопрофильный колледж, БПОУ ВО
Technical schools, Colleges, Supplementary education, Schools of advanced studies, Colleges
phone: +7 (8202) 24-24-
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1597023325, 370623345, 222947598, 222943217, 605101430, 223190373
коммерческий техникум