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баня своими руками in Череповце
стк союз - блок-контейнеры, бытовки, посты охраны
phone: +7 (8202) 63-01-
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Череповец-мебель, ООО
Interior stairs, Railings, Furniture made to order, Construction of saunas, Cabinet furniture, Wooden furniture
phone: +7 (8202) 63-54-
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Wood building construction, Construction of saunas, Interior finishing and repair
phone: +7 (8202) 62-64-
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Wood building construction, Construction of saunas, Interior finishing and repair, Roofing works, Pre-fabricated construction services
phone: +7 (8202) 61-61-
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Крепость, ООО
Facade works, Construction of saunas, Windows, PVC windows, Building of detached houses/summer houses
phone: +7-911-531-47-
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Череповецкий цех пенопласта, ООО
Construction of saunas, Pre-fabricated construction services, Soundproof materials, Building of detached houses/summer houses
phone: +7 (8202) 63-50-
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Строй-СП, компания
строительство одноэтажных и двухэтажных домов и бань из бруса под ключ с доставкой по всей россии. работаем более 15 лет. собственное производство в пестово (новгородская область)
phone: +7-960-204-33-
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Чистый воздух
Timbers, Construction of saunas, Interior finishing and repair, Building of detached houses/summer houses
phone: +7-921-835-43-
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Слобода, центр загородного домостроения
Fences, Construction of saunas, Forged products, Building of detached houses/summer houses, Mouldings
phone: +7 (8202) 60-82-
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Timbers, Construction of saunas, Heating and water supply systems, Interior finishing and repair, Pre-fabricated construction services
phone: +7-911-500-68-
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Стройплощадка, ООО
Timbers, Construction of saunas, Stoves, Building of detached houses/summer houses, Mouldings
phone: +7 (8202) 26-03-
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Каприз Плюс, ООО
Provision of territories, Fences, Construction of saunas, Roofing works, Building of detached houses/summer houses
phone: +7-960-298-71-
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ИнтерСтрой, строительная компания
Housing development, Landscape gardening, Construction of saunas, Building of detached houses/summer houses
phone: +7 (8202) 60-20-
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Wood building construction, Construction of saunas, Interior finishing and repair, Real estate transaction support, Building of detached houses/summer houses
phone: +7 (8202) 62-85-
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Домостроительная компания ЭКО
Timbers, Construction of saunas, Architectural and Construction Design, Building of detached houses/summer houses
phone: +7 (8202) 63-78-
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АргесСтрой, строительная компания
Window blinds, Construction of saunas, Stretch ceilings, Windows, Interior finishing and repair, Entrance doors
phone: +7 (8202) 62-87-
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Технологии Хорошего Строительства
Wood building construction, Construction of saunas, Interior finishing and repair, Building of detached houses/summer houses
phone: +7-911-505-49-
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Домострой, ООО
Construction of saunas, Architectural and Construction Design, Building of detached houses/summer houses
phone: +7 (8202) 60-22-
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Сокольский дом, ООО
ооо сокольский дом - официальный дилер крупнейшего российского деревоперерабатывающего предприятия ооо сокольский док. мы занимаемся проектированием, производством и строительством современных домов из клееного бруса в череповце и близлежащих районах.
phone: +7 (8202) 50-54-
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737926551, 224282885, 224195136, 2345184641, 1937989456, 223173802, 429869236, 1293506431, 1315512603, 2303777530, 1066303901, 224289137, 1425345010, 222945662, 2330722519, 223213311, 1590158553, 2324664905, 1022567610, 1708805962, 810450426, 964378556, 2018374564, 1607189108, 2090374129, 552333408, 1940885188, 2347527425, 224292274, 2222005315, 383147269, 1799575535, 2053901223, 1893491309, 457330000, 1933484355, 224298797, 809344896
баня своими руками